Gold Note BETANIA tonearm


Technical data (according to manufacturer):
Full length: 255mm
Effective length: 240mm
Effective mass: 10g
VTA: adjustable
Internal cabling: awg36 Hyper Litz from silver plated copper 99,9999%, shielded
Mass: 480 g

Category: Disponibilidad: Sin existencias


Betania is the best Goldenote tonearm. This is a construction of the type gimbaled-arm, with a tube made of grade 2 titanium and special aluminum alloy. This is also the first arm of the company, made in such a way, that there are six segments with different diameters. Three sections have a wall thickness of 6/10mm, and three are 1/10mm thicker. This type of construction should eliminate all the vibration from the rotating disc. The counterweight moves on a steel shaft – it can be amended by a small element, that lowers the gravity point, what is very desirable. Antiskating is made from a weight on a string. The internal cabling is made from silver plated copper wires, and the interconnects are soldered to it, and made from silver.